Grignolino d’ Asti 2020 “Il Cucco”
Thanks to our care of the vineyards also in 2020 an exceptional product …
Thanks to our care of the vineyards also in 2020 an exceptional product …
Chardonnay 2020, a great grape for a great wine ….
Our history flows in this vineyard, from here Carlo and Giovanni Pavia began to look forward with the intention of producing a different, high quality wine, a wine that has deserved the mention “Vigna” the maximum of Barbera d ‘Asti
Every year the vine gives us great emotions, our grignolino is produced exclusively with our own grapes, vinified and bottled in our cellars
At this particular moment nature does not stop and helps us to be optimistic, the work in the vineyards in this period is relentless …… we show you the Barbera that is finishing flowering, our Cortese and Chardonnay whites, and our Nebbiolo vineyard that we are growing. Our home delivery service is always at your […]
Consegna a domicilio di tutti i nostri vini Vi mostriamo uno scorcio dei nostri vigneti in questo periodo, nessun diserbo chimico e la natura rifiorisce, non viene voglia di bere questi vini? E’ attivo il nostro servizio di consegne a domicilio, direttamente a casa vostra contattateci a : info@fratellipavia.it 347-1528480 338-6538578 Azienda Agricola Fratelli Pavia
Home delivery of all our wines We show you a glimpse of our vineyards in this period, no chemical weeding and nature flourishes, don’t you feel like drinking these wines? Our home delivery service is active, directly to your home contact us at: info@fratellipavia.it 347-1528480 338-6538578 Fratelli Pavia Farm
Spring among the vineyards, with our wines on your table .. In this period you cannot reach us, but we can send you wine at home as we have always done, and we want to take you around the vineyards as we did together in this period, soon we will meet again in Agliano, in […]